I reviewed Biddy's keywords and found that many of them contradicted my experiences with the images and some fell short of capturing the full range of meanings I had encountered. So I created my own list of keywords hoping to include a broader spectrum of both positive and negative possibilities for each card.
Surprisingly, it didn't take long to identify a set of words that I consider a reasonable starting point to interpret the cards of the Minor Arcana. While not exhaustive, these keywords may serve as a a scaffold from which to delve deeper into the tapestry of meanings that each card can reveal.
Ace: Gift of mind, mental clarity, victory, decisiveness
/ Confusion, not acting to solve problems
2: Unwilling to acknowledge change, confusion, indecision, head in the sand, impasse
/ A painful choice that allows growth, meditation, focus, weighing options, releasing the past, lowering defenses
3: Mentally obsessed with old pain, recognizing the power of emotions
/ Gaining insights through words, forgiveness
4: Rest after battle, responding to suffering
/ Intuitive thinking, incubation, rising refreshed
5: Sore winner, not resolving problems, slander, shame, bitterness
/ Support of friends, releasing shame, not turning anger against yourself, apologizes
6: A rite of passage, escaping danger, an opportunity to change, resolving problems
/ A difficult journey, speaking up, disrupting a long-standing situation
7: Disarming the enemy, stealth, clever plan, reclaiming what was stolen
/ Betrayal of self, need to consult with others but unable to ask for help, avoiding confrontation, impulsive action
8: Self-imprisonment, interior struggle, acceptance another's opinion of you, unwilling to seek assistance
/ Overwork, empowerment, gaining clearer vision
9: Torment, nightmares, unable to make sense of life
/ Tackling one problem at a time, accept healing
10: Defeat, ending, rock bottom
/ Relief, take advantage of relief by making changes
Page: Curiosity, defensiveness, wariness, insecurity, bringing ideas into manifestation, a spy
/ A poseur, learning when to trust, initiative, careless speech
Knight: Impulsive, loyal, pursuing ideals, using intellect to solve problems
/ Rushing in where angels fear to tread, pugilistic, failing to use your intellect, causing chaos, haste makes waste
Queen: A survivor, life wisdom, clear perspective, insightful, candid speaker
/ Sorrow, defensiveness
King: A fair judge, clarity of thought, creation of appropriate boundaries, a good communicator, determined
/ Stubborn and unyielding, a tyrant or a bully
Ace: Gift of emotions, compassion, creativity, joy
/ Repressed emotions, distrusting your intuition
2: Formal partnership agreement, trust, fondness
/ Imbalance, inequality, breaking of contract
3: Friendship, sense of belonging, community, collaboration, and success
/ Stifled creativity, need to decide what direction to take, overindulgence, loneliness, ungrounded
4: Apathy, failure to see an opportunity, reflecting on one's commitments, discovering one's true self
/ Meditation, re-evaluation, listening to your feelings and values
5: Loss, bereavement, hanging on to the past
/ Acceptance, forgiveness
6: Nostalgia, reunion, innocence, naivete, a profound interaction, laying the past to rest
/ Gift of memory, acquiring a realistic view of family, clinging to old patterns, unwilling to change
7: Begin looking ahead once the past is in focus, make sure you know what you want, creative visualization to achieve your goals
/ Fantasy, wishful thinking, delusion, being carried away by emotions and daydreams
8: Courage to step into the unknown without sight of a goal, releasing the past
/ Withdrawal, giving up on something you've invested in, abandoning hope, aimless drifting
9: Feeling of plenty, wishes granted, water breaking before labor
/ Dissatisfaction, need for emotional counseling
10: Alignment, marriage, happiness and contentment, completeness
/ Straying from values, broken home
Page: Open-minded, lacking preconceptions, divination, message from subconscious, synchronicity, pregnancy
/ Creative block, emotional immaturity
Knight: A romantic figure, charming, slow but sure
/ Unreliable, faithless, withdrawn from reality
Queen: Intuitive, visionary, compassionate
/ Daydreaming instead of acting, self absorbed, a destructive lover
King: Emotionally stable, flexible, calm leadership, generous
/ Manipulative, volatile, jealous
Ace: Gift of material world, an opportunity, possibility of wealth if you work for it
/ Ingratitude, lack of planning, fear of moving forward
2: Disorganization, unclear goals, trying to balance too many things, refusing to choose
/ Adaptability, grace under pressure, dreams coming true
3: Creativity, collaboration, teamwork, artistry, skill, planning
/ Rushing, carelessness, unskilled work
4: Defensiveness, isolation, selfishness
/ Prudence, prosperity, caution, values
5: Loss, financial worries, out in the cold, ostracism, loneliness
/ Hope, survival, spiritual comfort, pulling up by bootstraps, recovery, belonging
6: A helping hand, maintaining balance, prosperity, generosity
/ Imbalance of power and resources
7: Assessment, patience, standstill, rebuilding will succeed
/ Fatigue, doubt, frustration, giving up
8: Apprenticeship, quality, working diligently, keeping goal in sight
/ Perfectionism, being a workaholic, ambition without effort
9: Self sufficiency, luxury
/ Overwork, imprisonment
10: Family, legacy, established place
/ Loneliness, limited communication, financial failure
Page: A messenger, opportunity, recognizing spirit in material, focus, scholarship, a trustworthy advisor
/ Lack of planning, no sense of what is valuable
Knight: Methodical, diligent, conservative, grateful, reverent
/ Laziness, boredom, lack of planning, neglect
Queen: Practical, nurturing, down to earth, fortunate
/ Accepting limitations, imbalance in service
King: A helpful and beneficent ruler, security, abundance, wealth
/ Stifled spirituality, iron fist in velvet glove
Ace: Inspiration, gift of life, spiritual renewal, energy, creativity
/ Undirected energy, hesitation
2: Contemplating a change of direction, planning, making a choice
/ Fear of the unknown, restlessness, dissatisfaction
3: Enterprise, putting past behind, committed to new goal
/ Lack of foresight, not seeing big picture
4: Celebration, thanksgiving, community
/ Temporary shelter, communication breakdown
5: Strife, confusion, indecision, obstacles
/ Increased focus on one goal
6: Path to victory, support of others
/ Disrepute, trophy moment
7: Taking a stand, self-defence, courage, resilience
/ Difficulties, defensive, being overwhelmed
8: Opportunity, swift change
/ Frustration, sense of urgency
9: Stamina, prepared, firmly established, knowing whom to trust
/ Defensiveness, habitual mistrust
10: Overburdened, worried, not recognizing your limitations, wands weighing you down rather than lighting your way
/ Not recognizing your limitations, lack of vision, coming to life again
Page: A scout, enthusiasm
/ Pessimism
Knight: Passionate, determined, energetic, travel, putting ideas into action, need to conserve energy
/ Restless, scattered or misdirected energy, a temper, over confident, insanity
Queen: A strong woman, vibrant, vital, success, and power
/ Inhibited, withdrawn
King: Insightful, courageous, a leader
/ Ruthless, arrogant, egotistical
Pamela Colman Smith did not allow her tarot imagery to be limited to the numerical meanings associated with the Marseilles Tarot pip cards. Nonetheless, those numerical meanings are worth calling to mind during difficult readings:
1 Initiation, 2 Growth, 3 Creativity,
4 Stability, 5 Change, 6 Perseverence,
7 Confidence, 8 Advancement, 9 Attainment,
10 Completion
Below, are a list of keywords for the Major Arcana cards. Distilling the meanings of the Major Arcana cards into keywords was more challenging than for the Minors.
The Major Arcana cards are significant in tarot readings, representing major life events and spiritual themes. Consequently, their meanings can be deeply nuanced and multifaceted. Since I first obtained a deck in 1983, my understanding of the images has constantly evolved, almost as if the cards themselves are in a state of change. Please approach the Major Arcana keywords with an open mind, listen to your own intuition, and understand that your interpretations will transform over time as you delve deeper into the mysteries of the cards and of your own life.
א Fool: (Element of Air)
a beginning, journey of life, inexperience, soul, faith / foolishness, need for caution, homelessness, insanity
ב Priestess: (the Moon)
choosing a path, wisdom, considering but not yet acting, spirituality, disconnected from intuition, withdrawal
ג Magician: (Mercury)
empowerment, manifestation, all the tools needed, skill, resourcefulness, trickery
ד Empress: (Venus)
love and acceptance, abundance, creativity, growth, nurturing mother, creative block, neglecting one’s own well-being
ה Emperor: ♈︎ Aries
structure, life-experience, leadership, fatherly guidance, authority, rigidity, refusal to grow further
ו Hierophant: ♉︎ Taurus
guidance, tradition, conformity, society, oppression
ז Lovers: ♊︎ Gemini
choice, indecision, opposites, passion
ח Temperance: ♋︎ Cancer
balance physical and spiritual, moderation, harmony, fulfillment, miles to go
ט Strength: ♌︎ Leo
inner courage, self control, discipline, lack of self awareness, base instincts
י Hermit: ♍︎ Virgo
reflection, introspection, solitude, discretion, patience, wholeness, a light to guide others
כ Wheel: (the Sun)
change, powerlessness, opportunity, putting experience to use
ל Justice: ♎︎ Libra
choice, karmic situation, accepting responsibility for oneself, fairness, order, virtue, self-awareness, failing to weigh and balance options before making a decision
מ Hanged Man: (Element of Water)
acceptance, sacrifice, endurance, new perspective, letting go, self-sabotage, self-aggrandizement, limbo, actions have no effects
נ Death: ♏︎ Scorpio
metaphorical death and rebirth, change, surrender, transformation, harvest
ס Chariot: ♐︎ Sagittarius
ready to go, confidence, focused on path, progress, wholeness of character
ע Devil: ♑︎ Capricorn
emotional or subconscious bondage, obsession, self doubt, selfishness, dependency
פ Tower: (Mars)
sudden change, catastrophe, liberation, challenge, insight, foundations revealed to be unstable, negative thinking
צ Star: ♒︎ Aquarius
hope, gratitude, clarity, grace, teaching others, finding joy in the present and trusting life’s journey, finding one's guiding star, failing to recognize your abilities
ק Moon: ♓︎ Pisces
intuitive path, open to mysteries of life, doubt, depression, self-deception, fear of the future, primal instincts, enchantment, a test
ר Sun: (Jupiter)
ecstasy, reward, new life, personal empowerment
ש Judgment: (Element of Fire)
awakening, resurrection, revitalization, truth, forgiveness, paying the piper, fairness
ת World: (Saturn)
wholeness, understanding and freedom, fulfillment, completion, attainment, freedom
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