Thursday, April 30, 2020

Is it really Thursday and how can April be over already?

Pomegranate tree on the walk to the center of town
My alarm should have rung... maybe it did... Arlan called me a few minutes later. I stumbled down the street and was a grumpy companion all the way to Macabi Pharm. After that, we got ice cafés, then went to Daggidog and the caspomat (ATM). We took the bus back and Arlan stayed on the bus instead of getting off by his place to show me which stop was closest to the market.

Feline security guard at pet food store
Security guards need love, too.
I did laundry, created a cover for all the damn cords covering my desk, read a little more of The Last Days of Dogtown (I didn't want to finish it), studied a little Hebrew, and watched another episode of Unorthodox. 

Two Russian ladies called me and were quickly able to switch to English when I couldn't understand them. One was from Ichilov and one from Macabi Eilat. 

Arlan came up and joined me while I fed the cats. Both Boudica and Grey Tom expect me and (more or less) trust me. Louie, and eventually his "friends," joined us while we were sitting in the park. I wish I understood cat culture. Initially, all but Louie walked away from their food. They sat apart. Eventually, one, then another, went back to his or her food and ate it, without any abuse from Louie.

While Louie lay next to me, an Israeli couple walking past joked with Arlan about the "exercise" we were taking.

Tonight we say, "Today is twenty-two days, which is three weeks and one day of the Omer."

The highest achievement is not self-expression but self-limitation:
making space for something other and different from us.

A children's craft kit at the the market

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