Thursday, March 27, 2014

Exploring a Tarot Card - the Eight of Earth

This week's card is the Eight of Earth from The Robin Wood Tarot. The traditional associations of this card are the daily grind and production (as opposed to artistic creation).

The image moves me to ask whether a person’s daily work nurtures and inspires her and whether it expresses her love for others. Will this work help her achieve her goals or is it simply the daily grind? The young worker in the card is idealistic and trusting. He keeps the window open so he can see his “castle of dreams.”

What do you think of when you look at the image? Consider what answers you would give to the questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Who: someone who has learned the basics of his craft and is working to improve his skills.
What: focusing on the work before him forgetting his goal.
When: when he is hopeful that vision can become reality.
Where: in a quiet, well lighted place that facilitates concentration.
Why: because he is engaged, inspired, and hopeful.
How: with all his attention.

How did you answer those questions? What additional ideas did they yield? What do you think this card means?

Here are other ways to explore a card:

  • note what emotions the image evokes in you
  • describe the card out loud to uncover its meaning
  • if an image reminds you of something, explore that further
  • trust your first impressions and any ideas that just pop into your head
  • if one of the details of the image jumps out at you, take note of it

If you see a potential difficulty in a particular image or if you are simply having trouble interpreting the image, try looking at the corresponding image from a different deck.

This card is the Eight of Earth from the Gaian Tarot.

What advice does this image offer? What are your first impressions? How is is different from the other image? Answer the questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Is there a message that both cards share?

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