Thursday, May 26, 2016

Medical care

Doctors who won't see me because I have insurance and who refuse to take cash. Receptionists who won't let me into the office the morning my appointment because the insurance company wouldn't answer the phone and confirm that I could see that doctor. And finally, a doctor who forgot to come to the exam room where I was waiting.

Luckily, in the last case, a nurse practitioner stepped into the breech. However, he was interested in everything except my illnesses over the previous months. (Is it really important to know whether I am right or left handed?) The emergency care doctor wanted him to find out why I kept getting cellulitis and I wanted to know why I've been too exhausted and uncoordinated to do much of anything.

He prescribed a blood test. Someone screwed it up and I had to give blood a second time. It took forever to get the results. Surprisingly, my blood sugar, blood, pressure, cholesterol, and other values were excellent. (I bought ice cream to celebrate that.) However, I have a severe B-12 deficiency and my kidneys aren't working properly. There's nothing he can do and he doesn't want to see me again until September.

He did recommend that I start taking B-12 pills and double doses of Metamucil every day. I purchased both. Without going into a graphic description of the results, let me advise you against taking Metamucil if you're not constipated. Later, I learned that, if you have kidney problems, your body will turn synthetic B-12 into cyanide, so take the time to track down natural B-12 supplements. (Look for methylcobalamin.)

I'm furious at his lack of care.  And the previous lack of care: I suspect that my kidney problems are a result of the medication I took for 12 years for an illness I didn't actually have.

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