Monday, July 29, 2019

Journey - Sea and stars

I didn't make plans before my journey. Perhaps that is why nothing much happened.

drumming begins

i'm walking to the saguaro
she's tall
I dive to the roots
and then the tunnel

journeying, journeying, journeying

i'm in the cave
but all i feel is my body on the bed

i walk to the river, expecting the canoe
it's dark

maybe i'm still in the tunnel
travelling, travelling

drumming is louder and more intense, so is the darkness
travelling, travelling
there's movement in the darkness

i'm in the canoe
we're moving through the darkness

where should i go?

there are stars and sea

what holds me back from living my life, engaging?

we dive into the water
deep, deep
there are fish around
we need light!
still darkness

we're rising
out of the lonely water

travelling on the water through the dark
there are stars
purplish glow of a distant galaxy
I hear the water

traveling through the sky, it is dark
the canoe and i move forward
the dark
through the dark

take me towards the light

that's what i'm doing

why is the journey so long?

travelling, travelling

someone help me!

something green
tree roots?
it's gone

take me back

the music stops

the darkness

my body on the bed inhales deeply
I'm here, in my room

[Recording 2]

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