Saturday, January 28, 2017

Erev Shabbat Haiku

I was listening to Jill Hammer's lecture on Shekhinah as warrior in the late afternoon before Shabbat began. The lounge in the Post Hostel was possibly the warmest place in Jerusalem in contrast to the weather seen outside the window which was gray, rainy, and cold. A Brazilian man sat on one of the raised lounges just below a window, playing guitar. I could hear his lovely music even as I listened to Jill through my earbuds.

It was a wonderful hour and I wanted to capture a bit of it. So I wrote my first haiku. (It needs improvement.)

Brasilian guitar
Dripping glass cocoons the warmth
Shekhinah inhales

I had told the Brazilian man that someone from the hostel should take a picture of him for their website. He asked me to take one that he could send to his mother. He promised to email me a copy when he gets home. If he does, I'll post it here.