Sunday, October 30, 2016

Go North, Olah, Go North

Why am I in Jerusalem? I wanted to live in the north. Oh, I remember: when I didn't get into that absorption center in the north, I decided to live somewhere familiar where I would meet lots of people.

I've been here barely two days, but this all feels wrong. Mostly, it's me. I'm not the outgoing optimist I was six years ago. Back then, I felt that I belonged to the Land. I wanted to see more than Jerusalem and I still do. There's nothing but pavement here. I'm also not enjoying the clientele at the hostel: missionaries, messianics, and some Jews(?) who seem suspiciously Christian.

I'll contact Nefesh b'Nefesh for help "Going North," but I don't suppose they'll be any help. I'm just going to have to make this work on my own.

Friday, October 14, 2016

The Modern Spellcaster's Tarot

I love that the creators of this deck have restored the elemental associations of Swords and Wands! I remember spending an entire evening, many years ago, repressing my natural inclination and reprogramming myself to think that Wands represented the element of fire and that Swords represented the element of air.

I'm glad they've made this change, but I don't understand why the images remain so similar to Pixie's drawings considering the "new" elemental associations!

The question is perhaps, how much do I rely on elemental associations in my readings? And if elemental associations are only significant in meditations and spell work, why don't I use a Marseilles deck for the practices?


Friday, October 7, 2016


Joanna Powell Colbert describes the paddle as a symbol of power, like a staff or a wand. The canoe represents focus and faith in yourself. The marine life and birds are allies that will help you. If you cultivate will power and clarity within yourself, you can travel confidently toward your goal. Rachel Pollack writes that one must leave the past, even past successes, behind to learn the "ultimate truth about oneself and the cosmos."

Joanna offers this question for meditation when The Canoe appears in a reading: What goal do I need to focus on?

I pulled Strength, which advises that I develop my sense of personal power.