Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A day off work, post lock-down

Today was my first day off since lock-down ended! Last night, Arlan met me on the Dan Beach right after work and we enjoyed drinks at Japanika. John joined us when he got off work. Arlan and I walked around for a while and then I slept hard and late.

The "handy-couple" came over this morning and spent the day repainting the wall where there had been water damage. I left them to it and visited with Arlan. We went out to lunch at Misedet HaMifratz and walked around Ice Mall. It's great to see Eilat getting back to normal. Sort of... everyone, except me, seems very serious about masks (masekim); I can't wear one at work, so I've become inured to the lack of protection.

My voice is slightly hoarse and my feet are still swollen from standing all day yelling at kids, but hopefully they'll be better by morning. I'll have to remember to sit as often as possible when I'm working and to use my voice less.

In the news: riots continue in U.S.

Hebrew words for the day: treesim (weird Israeli blinds) and matata (broom).