Friday, November 28, 2014


"Stories are compasses and architecture; we navigate by them, we build our sanctuaries and our prisons out of them, and [not knowing your] story is to be lost in the vastness of a world that spreads in all directions like arctic tundra or sea ice." - cited by Marie Gauthier

Voyager Tarot 
Should you tell your story? XIII Death. It is liberating to discover the lessons your story holds about yourself and the mystery of life. Let your old worldview pass on so that you can embrace your life in a new way.

How? Five of Wands: Oppression. Look at things in a different light. Feed the energy in your body so that you can move forward bravely. Find a structure or a purpose that will keep you focused so that you finish your task.

Why? Two of Crystals: Equanimity. To gain self-awareness and to find a map for the future. To hear the voice of guidance that may begin to speak as the pattern of your story unfolds before you. To see from above the jumble of confusions of your life and thoughts.

When? Eight of Worlds: Change. As you are changing. In other words: Now! But make sure you are being held. Find someone who is generously willing to witness the discovery of your life lessons.

What do you need to know? Five of Worlds: Setback. Defeat and difficulty are regenerative. If things you depended on dried up, then you must reflect before forward movement is possible. Make sure your story tells of your successes and your skills so that you will remember to rely on them. And always care for your body.

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