Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Learning to Wait

Faith, Attention, and Empowerment
The central card, the Seven of Coins, certainly represents me. It expresses my impatience. When will my aliyah be approved? It tells me that I must continue working; instead of expecting immediate results, I must take pleasure in the preparations. My goal isn't simply to make aliyah; it's to make myself and my life better.

The Empress shows that I was inspired to recognize the abundance in my life and to relinquish security for the opportunity to grow.

The Magician advises me to recognize that I have the life experience, tools, and ability to make my life what I want it to be.

Together, these three cards speak of transforming material abundance into spiritual abundance.

1 comment:

  1. As to what you've seen over the last few months, these cards are certainly a match for it. "So far, so good!"

    Relinquishment of security? Check.
    Recognition of experiences and abilities, etc.? Check.
    Waiting long enough now for the various bodies to get their s*$# together and move this along? (oh wait, that wasn't one of the cards!) Check.

    All will be well, or as we love to say, "All manner of things shall be well."


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