Friday, July 22, 2016


I want to see my teacher again and try to just be in her presence as I would with a "real" person in ordinary reality. I will ask her if she is Asherah. During the journey, I will be lying in bed, not using headphones. I may not describe my journey aloud or write about it until the morning.

Hummingbird takes me directly to my teacher's home
For an instant, I can hear music, but then I'm deaf again
She comes to the entry and leads me to the couches
I bow before sitting down
Tea is already waiting
I wait for her to drink first
I just sit with her
It is a while before I ask, Is your name Asherah?


Are you the goddess, Asherah?


What do you want to teach me?


I'm not sure I heard that and ask again
She touches my cheek



We drink more tea
Then she wants me to dance
A servant joins us
Even in spirit form, I'm not light on my feet
I sit down and she dances with her servant a little longer before she sits again

I say I'll visit tomorrow and ask about making aliyah

She suggests I visit the lower world

I say, I can ask Dove to show me other places there


I'm back. I don't think I traveled back through the upper world and to Earth with hummingbird, but I'm not sure because I was sleepy. (I am writing this immediately after my journey, but I was unable to speak during my journey. Also, Nutmeg was grooming herself while pressed against me and I could feel her moving, so part of my consciousness remained in the middle world and ordinary reality.)

Harner seems to suggest that my failure to travel back was not a big deal.

"Even if you should forget to come back when the drumming signals you to return, you will just drift back anyway, since the drumming will no longer continue to support you in the other reality. In many ways, shamanic journeying is safer than dreaming, for the journeyer can return whenever she or he likes." 

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