Friday, August 9, 2019

Early Ideas for A Tarot Deck

Over the years, several people have suggested that I create my own tarot deck, but it has always seemed like too large a task for me.

Recently, I've given some thought to the idea of creating a Jewish tarot. I've designed a few, using photographs found on the internet (i.e., not mine). Here are two of the Majors. The Emperor, Titus Flavius, and The Hierophant, Masculine Face of Shekhinah.

I'm struggling with the pairing of archetypes according to gender.

One thing that I've never understood is "the masculine" and "the feminine" in tarot. I'd swear that The Emperor and The High Priestess are energetically connected, and The Empress and The Hierophant, too; the Magician seems to pair up energetically with various figures (usually male) in the Major Arcana.

And to me it seems the kings and queens pair off more favorably outside their suit, e.g. the King of Cups and the Queen of Pentacles. 

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