Friday, September 22, 2017

Tarot Blog Hop - Mabon 2017

I'll be traveling from September 19 until October 3, so I've post-dated this entry and it will (hopefully) appear at the same time as everyone else's. Unfortunately I may not be available to comment on other posts in this thread immediately.

We have been given the following instructions for our Autumn Equinox posts:
Think of a character from your favorite Tarot deck, tune on them and ask them what dishes they would prepare for Mabon – in a sacred way so that these dishes could be really healing and energizing for all of us. I wonder what the Empress, the High Priestess or the Hermit would cook? And how? Where? It can also be part of your writing. Or our more than charming Emperor, or the guys in 5 of Wands? Feel free to invent your own recipes, as well... If you are not really into cooking, what about creating your own beauty product(s) consisting of natural Mabon-components?
I asked, "What beauty secret can you share with me at this time?" The tarot provided this unexpected response:

from the Gaian Tarot

Five of Fire - Set your voice free, be yourself without hesitation or constraint. Don't be afraid of yourself. Don't avoid competition or struggle or any other part of life. 

This card is often interpreted as a card of conflict, internal or external. The RWS image also shows the potential for cooperation and harmony. (Those five wands could almost form a pentacle if the boys would work together.)

Harmony and beauty are not immediately apparent in the fiery image in the Gaian Tarot. However, two phrases come to mind, "speaking your truth" and "speaking truth to power." Throughout my life, whenever I need to speak up for myself, an invisible hand closes my throat. One of my aspirations has been to gain the ability to speak up for myself, to take care of myself. This card seems to address that aspiration. It encourages all of us to be ourselves, to acknowledge our own worth, and to embrace our unique voices.

Draw on your fiery energy to set your voice free as the Five of Fire suggests. Let people see who you are. First of all, you must let yourself see who you really are! You may find that you are beautiful. The Five of Fire encourages us to harness our inner fire, to liberate our voices, and to be unapologetically ourselves. It challenges us not to shy away from life's conflicts or competitions, but to embrace them as opportunities for growth and self-expression.


  1. What a beautiful sentiment, that beauty starts with self acceptance and self empowerment.

  2. Wondrous. I didn't think about the inner beauty, of course. Thanks for the reminder, and the idea of the 5 of W as a pentacle, if only they would move in harmony. :)

    1. Thanks for commenting, Joanne. I'm looking forward to reading your posts on Google.


Thank you for commenting! I enjoy hearing from my readers and getting a chance to see their blogs, too!