Sunday, October 20, 2019

Numerology and Tarot Cards

16 = 7 is tarot math. 
Is it any wonder that I've never really adopted it?

The theory is that you can combine one of the suit meanings to one of the number meanings, and voilà, you can read a pip deck. For me, tarot is a visual means for accessing my intuition. Combining the words "growth of communication" doesn't give me immediate insight into the Three of Swords. There's something worthwhile in that phrase, but it is not how I work with the cards.

I've never found a keyword chart that really satisfies me, so the following lists show what I think all the Wands have in common, what all the Pages have in common, what all the Aces have in common, and so forth.


Fire/Wands* (aka: Clubs, Staves/Staffs, Rods, Batons)
Intuition, inspiration, passion, ambition, will, confidence, creativity, movement, destruction, energy, career, desire for growth, risk, power, spirituality

Water/Cups (aka: Hearts, Chalices, Bowls)
Emotions, relationships, connection, love, intuition, assumptions, flexibility, imagination, fantasy, religion, psychic, creativity

Air/Swords* (aka: Spades, Feathers, Crystals)
Communication, problems, world view, thought, mind, intellect, logic, judgment, strategies, ethics, authority, challenges, conflict

Earth/Pentacles (aka: Coins, Disks, Stones)
Physical world, miracle of existence, material concerns, resources or needs, nature, beauty, sensation, body, material life, health, common sense, practicality, resources, commerce, work, greed, gratitude, materialism, spiritual awareness
* In a few decks, Swords are associated with Fire, and Wands with Air. Frankly, it makes more sense, since swords are forged in fire, while the flowering branches that often symbolize wands grow through the air and can be destroyed by fire. (Some new decks change the elemental correspondences, but fail to create new imagery to reflect the change of element.)


Page/Princess* (aka: Child, Maiden, Daughter) 
Inexperience, sense of wonder, optimism, learning

Knight/Prince* (aka: Explorer, Warrior, Brother) 
Focus, idealism, energy, a quest, seeking challenges

Queen (aka: Guardian, Lady, Woman, Mother)
Experience, self mastery, awareness, guidance, nurturing

King (aka: Elder, Master, Sage, Man, Father) [Knight*]
Established, skill or mastery, control, counsel, foresight
* In decks based on the Thoth system, the court cards, Princess, Prince, Queen, and Knight. Thoth Knights in the Thoth system do not correspond to RWS Kings.  The Thoth system is entirely different-- and that's all I can tell you about Thoth. If you'd like to, you can learn more about that system by reading The Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien.


Ace: Seed, beginning*, essence of suit, potential, inspiration, opportunity, energy, gift of grace, innovation, positive aspects of the suit

2: Balance, choice, dialogue, duality, polarity, adaptability, energy, partnership, potential for conflict, taking responsibility, personal power

3: Growth, fertility, creative energy, cooperation, productivity, achievement, becoming grounded or stable, leadership, resolution, creation

4: Rooted, foundation, stability or stagnation, structure, boundaries, conventionality, stillness, restriction, constraint, excitement

5: Change, development, discord, uncertainty, adversity, test or trial, restriction, scattered energy, lack of awareness, freedom, conflict

6: Harmony, opposites reconciled, regaining control, understanding, connection, service, communication, resolution, trust, growth

7: Introspection, reflecting on life experience, understanding, inventiveness, conviction, persistence or procrastination, excess, attainment

8: Cycles, patterns, power, moving forward, taking action, opportunities, challenges, overcoming obstacles, manifestation, mastery

9: Attainment, integration, resolution, obstinacy, excessive idealism, subconscious, fruition, nearing fulfillment

10: Endings and beginnings, completion, wholeness, achievement, conclusion, repair, abundance, excess, transition

Images in this post are from The Four Elements Blog, Creative Fabrica, and WikiBooks.

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