Monday, January 27, 2025

Between the Moon and the Sun: A Tarot Reading on Moving

This reading emphasizes material security (Pentacles), action and energy (Wands), and a significant contrast between uncertainty (The Moon) and clarity (The Sun).

General Themes

Pentacles (Material Stability and Work): The presence of the Four of Pentacles, the Page of Pentacles, and the Three of Pentacles suggests financial concerns, developing a skill, and the potential for progress through effort. I am focused on material security now and I am always willing to work hard. (My last boss pointed out that you shouldn't always give 100%, but be like the famous soccer player who waits til the right moment and then gives 110%.)

Wands (Energy, Movement, and Initiative): The Page of Wands, the Eight of Wands, the Ten of Wands, and the King of Wands indicate that my situation involves personal drive, ambition, and movement, but also burdens and responsibilities.

Major Arcana (Significant Life Themes): The Moon and The Sun highlight the contrast between uncertainty, fear, and illusions (The Moon) versus clarity, joy, and confidence (The Sun).

Card-by-Card Interpretation

Situation - Four of Pentacles
I feel financially restricted and stuck. The Four of Pentacles often represents a scarcity mindset: clinging to whatever little you have due to fear of loss. This card reflects that financial concerns are central to my decision.

Influence on the Situation - The Moon
The Moon represents confusion, illusion, and uncertainty. There are things I don’t understand about this move, and I am afraid that I'm being unrealistic. My perceptions of both places are strongly colored by emotion. I feel happy about returning to the US, but fear that my life will be more secure here.

Basis of the Situation - Three of Cups
This is a card of joy, celebration, and social connection. Its appearance as the foundation suggests that my decision may be based on a desire to reconnect with a sense of community. I still view the U.S. as a place of happiness, belonging, and support.

Potential in the Situation - Eight of Wands
This is card often signals rapid developments, opportunities, and even travel. It suggests that once I decide, things will move quickly. There may be unexpected progress in ways I can't anticipate now.

Recent Past - Page of Wands
This card suggests a spark of inspiration or an idea that led me to this point. The figure is looking toward the past, just as I have been reflecting on past experiences and trying to draw lessons from them. The Page is a messenger, so perhaps some communication has influenced my thinking. The message, I think, is: this isn't the place for me.

Near Future - Page of Pentacles
The contrast between two pages, suggests that I will shift from reflecting on the past to planning for the future, hopefully in practical, tangible ways. The Page of Pentacles is about learning, gaining skills, and being realistic about financial matters. I will be focused on job prospects and money management as I prepare for the move.

Myself - Three of Pentacles
This card represents work, craftsmanship, and collaboration. I must figure out how to develop my skills and find work in a new environment. Since I'm not very good at advertising myself, I will require the help of other people. The card suggests that I am willing to put in the effort but that success will require the collaboration of others. Can I demand that much assistance of anyone?

My Environment - Ten of Wands
I feel overburdened, exhausted, but not quite defeated here. However, the weight of responsibility will be heavy even in the US. This card has been a warning in the past. I need to lighten my load and also listen to my intuition rather than trying to be "sensible" which I never get quite right.

My Hopes and Fears - The Sun
I want success, clarity, and joy, but I also fear being disillusioned (again). The Sun is a card of happiness and triumph, suggesting that I want this move to bring renewal and a sense of purpose. However, the Moon earlier in the reading highlights my doubts and worries.

Outcome - King of Wands
This is a very strong and encouraging outcome. The King of Wands is a visionary leader; he takes bold steps and pursues his passions with confidence. So if I take command of my situation and act with purpose, I can establish myself in a way that aligns with my long-term aspirations.

Key Insights

1. Financial Concerns and Scarcity Mindset (Four of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles)

My primary concern is financial security. I have no options here, but I'm not sure if the U.S. can really provide more opportunities considering my age and the huge gap in my resume.

The Page of Pentacles often indicates a student. I can't afford a training program, but maybe I could learn about job hunting and self-promotion.

2. Uncertainty vs. Clarity (The Moon vs. The Sun)

I have a lot of uncertainty and little clarity right now. The Moon suggests fears, but the Sun in the hopes/fears position means I crave certainty and confidence.

I have to do some research and planning and yet I fear that I don't have the ability to do those things well.

3. Potential for Rapid Progress (Eight of Wands, King of Wands)

The Eight of Wands suggests that once I move, things could develop quickly.

The King of Wands in the outcome suggests that, if I act with initiative and purpose, I can succeed.

4. Burdens and Responsibility (Ten of Wands)

My environment is stressful, and moving will at least temporarily make everything more stressful. However, shifting from the burdened Ten of Wands to the King of Wands suggests that I will have more control over your circumstances if you take charge of your career and finances in ways I cannot here.

Final Thoughts

My heart is already leaning toward moving (Three of Cups, The Sun, Eight of Wands), but there are still practical uncertainties (The Moon, Page of Pentacles). At times, I feel happy and enthusiastic about this choice, and at other times, I remember the all the financial challenges of living in the US and wonder how I can manage to return with no money in my wallet.

The move could be successful if I approach it with determination and a belief in my own power (King of Wands).

There will be financial struggles at first, but because I speak the language, there will also be opportunities to develop skills and find stability (Three of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles).

I need to ensure there are resources and job opportunities available before making a final decision. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that. In the past, I always had a head hunter doing the leg work for me.

Overall, I think the reading suggests that moving holds promise for me, but only if I'm very careful and wise, plan my finances sensibly, and maintain a realistic but positive attitude.

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