Friday, December 13, 2019

Reading for Myself

These three cards address the first three categories covered in an online course called LifeBook.

The first three LifeBook sessions were thought provoking and inspiring, but I've had to ask for a refund because the video lessons (and even the audio only lessons) buffer so frequently that it made watching them absurdly time consuming.

In the meantime, I have my tarot cards to help me all twelve of the LifeBook categories, as well as anything else life delivers to my door.

What I need to know about health and fitness? 

The High Priestess indicates that I have been correct to listen to my my body's own wisdom about making changes more slowly than I had been. It will take discipline and self-mastery to become the priestess of my body, I must always remember that my body is sacred and should be treated gently. I must listen to my intuition and not sabotage myself.

What I need to know about my intellectual life?

The appearance of The Magician suggest that I have all the tools I need for an exciting intellectual life. He has the sword of intellect before him and also the other tools and gifts of life. If I develop a clear vision and  focus, I can achieve anything. I should allow my spiritual life to enrich my intellectual life.

How can I improve my emotional intelligence?

The World tells me to embrace Life, expect and be open to positive experiences, and rejoice in being alive. I should allow my experiences to inform my emotional intelligence. (At some point, I'll pull a few more cards for this topic.)

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