Sunday, May 26, 2024

Egipcios Kier - Nelise Carbonare Vieira's Interpretations

Although I am not yet conversant in the meanings and symbolism of the Egipcios Kier Tarot Deck, I enjoy doing large, ten-card readings for myself with the deck. Usually, I rely on my intuition and creativity in these readings. This time, however, I decided to rely on the meanings set forth on NCV's website. Since the website is in Portuguese, I had to use Google to translate her text.
My Situation: 3 The Empress
Themes: Internal reorganization, expansion of relationships, planning, and strategic creation.

You are currently in a phase of mental and strategic reorganization, using your skills and knowledge to weave new relationships and opportunities. This period is more about planning and reflecting rather than immediate action. You have a strong ability to communicate and express your ideas, which will help you expand your influence in society. Your creativity is high, and it’s important to balance this with rationality and diplomacy.

Influencing My Situation: 72 Purification (Four of Pentacles)
Themes: Enlightenment, clarity, and security through understanding.

This is a time of personal clarity and revelation. Your ideals are becoming clear, and you feel in tune with the universe, which helps you understand others better. This clarity allows you to focus your energy on the right paths and make decisions that align with your goals. You'll experience a sense of security as you eliminate doubts and confirm your direction.

Basis or Cause of My Situation: 61 Solitude (Seven of Swords)
Themes: Reflection, introspection, and deep awareness.

You've been isolating yourself from external interference to better understand your values and goals. This is a period of deep introspection, during which you can discern your own challenges separate from others'. It's a time to focus on your own issues and strengths, away from the expectations of others.

A Potential Situation, If I Work Toward It: 37 Art and Science (King of Cups)
Themes: New ways of being, social renewal, and incorporation of gifts.

You are defining a new way of being and opening paths to play new roles in society. This transition phase involves reassessing and expanding your relationships and social environment. It's a time to focus on activities and relationships that truly involve you, allowing you to explore your potential fully.

My Recent Past: 1 The Magician
Themes: New beginnings, structure, creation, and self-expression.

You have recently entered a cycle in which you are defining the foundations for your development. This period involves a lot of self-discovery and reorganization, using your inherent gifts and knowledge to pursue your goals. You are poised to take action, equipped with the necessary tools to create a solid foundation for your future.

My Near Future: 52 Premeditation (Queen of Swords)
Themes: Strategic planning and self-awareness.

You are becoming aware of your capabilities and limits. You are strategically planning the best ways to use your knowledge and resources to achieve your goals. This card emphasizes the importance of thoughtful action and clear planning, ensuring you are prepared for success.

Myself: 8 Justice
Themes: Reevaluation and redirection, rescue of ideals and abilities, resumption of self-love.

You are focusing on discovering and using your gifts to fulfill your mission. You are taking stock and engaging in self-reflection. It's time to recognize your right to pursue your own will and prioritize your personal goals. You have spent considerable effort on others' problems and achievements, but now it's essential to focus on yourself. Acknowledge your capabilities and use them to promote your own ideals.

My Environment: 70 Cooperation (Two of Pentacles)
Themes: Full harmony with environment and in tune with one's being.

This card signifies a period of perfect alignment with your core, allowing external connections to flow seamlessly and support your goals. This time is marked by mutual cooperation and a heightened sense of responsibility towards community action. You are encountering people and situations that align with your goals, offering support, opportunities, and harmonious relationships.

My Hopes or Fears 51 Advice (King of Swords)
Themes: Defining a new role and establishing guidelines to promote greater personal fulfillment.

Defining new objectives and directions and focusing on using your skills to achieve fulfillment. A period of integration and satisfaction through the use of your abilities. The beginning of a significant new phase.

The Outcome: 23 The Laborer (King of Wands)
Themes: Construction, birth, creation, work, sowing, redefining daily life.

Summary: This is a period of establishing new foundations and structures. You will be organizing and setting concrete objectives for long-term stability. Opportunities will emerge to lay down roots and build a stable foundation. This card often indicates significant life changes that bring material or emotional stability.

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