Friday, January 4, 2013

Paws of the Moon... because the moon never pauses

Menopause may be right around the corner for me and I don’t know what to expect. I’ve heard laughing comments about hot flashes and several times my mother whispered quickly that I should never take any hormone drugs. She said that all her friends who had taken those drugs had died. That’s the extent of my knowledge.

I didn’t know what my period was when it arrived. I would like to know what menopause is when it arrives. Why is there no cute, little book about what to anticipate? Something like, What to Expect When You're Expecting Menopause.

Amazon has books by medical doctors. It also has books with chilling titles like, Menopause Sucks: What to Do When Hot Flashes and Hormones Make You and Everyone Else Miserable.

You can also find books with discouraging titles like, The Menopause Makeover: The Ultimate Guide to Taking Control of Your Health and Beauty During Menopause.  For goodness sake! Can’t we just become gray and wrinkled gracefully and gratefully?  

I did find one happy title: Menopause 52 Brilliant Ideas, but then the subtitle disappointed me: Relief and remedies for the symptoms of menopause. Will I really need to “balance” my hormones, or will this be the new balance?

It would be good to have a little bit of medical information. What I really want, though, is to learn from other women’s personal experiences.

If I asked, what would women say it was like for them? Is it a discrete period of time or is it the rest of your life? Would they share a lot of information about their bodies, or would they talk about their lives? Would they focus on physical symptoms or about meaning? Is the experience different for women with children than for women who never had children?

For some reason, I expect to hear that this is an exciting time and that I’ll have a sense of renewal and new possibilities, but maybe I’m being unrealistic. I hope to nurture a wonderful, new life, but if menopause is just a physical ailment, what can I do to be healthy?

Am I the person who should write that cute, little book?  Do you think many women would be willing to talk to me and let me publish their experiences?

Addendum: Originally, seven women agreed to be interviewed, but in the end, only two let me interview them. I may not get too far on this project.

September 1, 2013: Look what I found online! A cute, little book about menopause!


  1. YES!I think you should talk and share everyone's experiences and everyone is different. It can be a scary and liberating time-Go for it!

  2. Being 19, I have absolutely no clue. I ABSOLUTELY think you should write the cute little book, though.

    Amanda Rose

    1. Thank you. I enjoyed reading a bit of your blog.

      You gave me idea of one more thing to do in 2013! Learn crochet. My mom taught me how to crochet a chain when I was a little girl, but I never did figure out how to turn around and make a second row.

  3. I don't anticipate menopause any time soon, but I have to say I agree with your thoughts that it should be an exciting time, a time for transformation - because, really, isn't that what it is? Your body following an ancient and well-worn path to another cycle of life? Personally, I think your book idea is marvelous, and think how many other women out there are probably feeling exactly like you - wanting information and personal guidance from our sacred mothers, those who have experienced before us? You could be the inspiration for lots of other women to open up and talk about it.

    1. I hadn't considered it that way. It is an ancient and well-worn path and I'm looking for personal guidance from sacred mothers!

      Thank you, Lisa. This is very encouraging.

      I'm going to get started talking to women!

  4. I think you should check out Things We Don't Talk About. It's a great little indie film about all the things in life that women don't talk about and the Red Tent movement.
    Also, sure, write that book. As women, we need to open up and talk about these things that seem so taboo or horrible. Why is menopause horrible? Why are our periods so horrible? I don't think they are. I realize that some people have bad experiences but it needs to be out there for others to learn from!
    Thanks for sharing this with us!

    1. Thanks for telling about the movie. I don't know why these things seem so taboo. I did hesitate to post the word "menopause" on my blog.

      Your blog looks good. I'm going to read "The life sucker that is the internet" this evening.

  5. Hello, just coming to visit you from the Goddess Circle :)
    I think you should definitely write a book to share other's experiences. When I worked for a health food shop lots of women were keen to find what could help them with this transition so I think you should go for it!

    1. Thanks for coming by and thanks for the encouragement, Anita!


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