Monday, July 3, 2023

Encomium Veneficis, In Praise of the Sorcerer

This is an expression of gratitude through a lighthearted limerick that honors our teacher while playfully poking fun at my inner editor.

There once was a sorcerer named Jason,
Whose teachings were truly amazin'.
His analogies grand,
Guided students by hand,
Yet his spelling left some quite shaken.

Students adored his magical art,
Absorbing his every impart.
But oh, what a blight,
His misspellings in plain sight,
Made some students howl and depart.

Yet Jason, undeterred, pressed on,
Correcting the errors that shone.
With each squiggly red line,
He aimed to refine,
And soon his writing had gone 'far beyond.'

So though his spelling brought some dismay,
Jason's wisdom still won the day.
His students, in thrall,
Saw beyond this small flaw,
For his magic enchanted their way.

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