Friday, April 11, 2014

I Will Be Offering Tarot Readings on May 17

I was recently admitted into the ranks of the Mile High Mystics and will be participating in their spring show. The next show will be held on May 17th. (Our website amusingly describes the response to the first show in 1994: "there was a line of people running out the door and down the block!")

At the last show, I had a dozen customers and each one was pleased with his or her reading. I enjoy reading cards for other people so I'm hoping to develop a client base of people who will request more readings and also refer their friends.

This was my table at the February show.
I use two decks in my readings. I find that this style of reading engages clients and helps them remember what they learned during a reading. 

After discussing the client's question with him or her, I do a ten card reading using the Robin Wood Tarot deck. This part of the reading is to satisfy the client's expectation that I'll be doing all the work. It also helps get the client into a relaxed and receptive state of mind, willing to explore his situation frankly. 

The next part of the reading is what I consider the most important. I ask the client to select two cards that he or she wants to explore further. Then I pull the corresponding cards from the Gaian Tarot and have the client describe the card and free associate. Together, we discover its meaning and the advice it has for her.

Although I give accurate and helpful readings, I believe that everyone has her own answers. By asking a client to interpret some of the cards, I am helping her hear and recognize her own intuition. The more a person listens to her intuition, the more it will speak to her. I want people to learn to rely on soul's guidance in all matters. 

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