Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tarot Tuesday - Draw upon the energy of springtime

Spring began at the beginning of February, on Imbolc. Equinox was weeks ago, but in some places, people are desperately longing for the end of winter weather and for signs of spring.

Here, we had a very mild winter, but now people are not coming out of their homes to watch the returning birds, to plant gardens, or even to walk outside. Perhaps, before we can rise up to embrace the warm brightness of spring and summer, we need to sink into the cold and darkness of winter.

So how can we release our urge to hibernate and begin to blossom? To answer that question, I did a reading based on a spread created by Joanna Powell Colbert.

How do we leave winter behind? The Explorer of Air (Knight of Swords) often represents a person who is prepared and adaptable. He climbs high to get perspective. Nature is his highest ideal and he can leave winter behind as he makes the effort to see and feel what nature is offering us now.

What is the heart's desire? Temperance usually indicates balance and healing or the need for those things. To me, it seems that the Gaian Tarot's tempering angel of balance and healing is standing in polluted and poisoned factory run-off; she shows us what we've done to our world and reminds us that we are part of nature. We've forgotten the balance between ourselves and nature; we've forgotten how dependent we are on nature. In this reading, Temperance represents our desire for our psyches to reflect the season.

How do we enter the joy and growth of spring? The Child of Air (Page of Swords) is naive and inexperienced, but sees the world with eyes full of wonder. She tells us to pay attention to the signs of spring and to let our spirits be lifted by them.

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