Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Left and anti-Semitism

Trump worries me, but those protesting Trump most loudly worry me more. And Jews on the Left, who have been participating in the Trump hate fest, really screwed up.

For a while, antisemitism was in the news, but only as a way of maligning Trump. Trump is not the source of antisemitism and this would have been a good time to discuss the origins of antisemitism and how it is being expressed today. The media has consistently ignored that more than half the hate crimes in the US are directed against Jews. Jews could have spoken up about antisemites (predominantly other lefties), but they stuck single-mindedly to the Left's anti-Trump agenda.

Now the opportunity is gone. It turns out that all those those bomb threats American JCCs received were made by some disturbed, Israeli-American adolescent. You can bet that antisemitism will now be treated as an imaginary phenomenon, that conspiracy theories about Jews will start making the news, and that people will be even more inclined to believe lies about Israel.

Edit: Just in time for Passover, an explanation of how Jews help Putin and Trump rule the world.

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