Thursday, August 8, 2019

Shamanic Journey - Tendrils of Light and New Shoes

Going to the Upper World to see my teacher.

Standing on the balcony, watching branches blowing in the breeze. Hummingbird appears.

Hummingbird, I want to go to the Upper World.

We're off! We're flying over Tucson, then up into the clouds. I already see the city. The "port" is a big expanse of white stone. Hummingbird drops me off and I climb the stairs, looking for my teacher, Asherah. I see her.

You'll told me to come again and again to have fear removed. Is that what you want to do today?
We walk toward a doorway and then through it. It is darker than other rooms. There is an altar far to the left and a table in the center. Someone else in the room. Asherah escorts me to the table.

She strokes my hair. Remove the fear and panic from me. 

She puts her hands over my belly. More things come out, but not as much as the first time.

The other person comes and touches my feet.

Asherah, why can't I hear you speak?

The man is massaging my toes. Pressing his thumbs against the soles of my feet.

Now she is standing above my head... There are  tendrils inside my body... tendrils coming down from my head and tendrils coming up from my feet... They meet at my heart

She puts her hands on my shoulders; light goes down my arms and out my hands.

My stomach feels itchy. I don't know which stomach [the one in OR or the one in NOR].

I put my hands up to my ears. Light comes from my hands and travels into my head, down the tendrils that are filling my ribcage and connecting to other tendrils at my heart.

My belly's very itchy.

The light goes down the tendrils, to my hips and thighs. The light is pushing through my right knee, something pops out of my knee. The light is going down my left knee, both my ankles, to my feet, the soles of my feet, my toes.

I travel back up the light, back to my heart, my throat, my head.

The helper is still at my feet. I don't know what he's doing. It looks as if he's tying shoe laces, but I am not wearing shoes. He's putting glue on the bottom of my feet.

They have me stand up.

I hear the call-back. I don't know if they are finished, but I have to go back now. I bow to the man and turn to Asherah. I will continue coming for the healing of my fear. I'd like to hear what you have to say to me, what you can teach me, what I need to know. Next time?

She nods.

I walk out of the room, look around at the white city, go down the flight of stairs. Hummingbird comes and takes me back down through the clouds. They are not so wet this time. I land on the balcony. Thank you, Hummingbird. 

He flies away.

I am back.

[Recording 7]

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