Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Journey - pulling darkness out and pouring light in

I was sitting outside and thought of a fourth question to ask on my journey, when I looked up and saw a stray dog that looked very much like a wolf. I took that as a sign that this is the request I need to make when I visit my teacher today.

"Remove the fear that keeps me from being able to think clearly; remove the stress and the panic."

My other questions and requests are: Remove all ailments from my physical body so I have optimal health. Constantly give me insight into and understanding of my relationships. Give me the financial means to obtain the home I want here. 

Drumming starts.

I state my intention aloud: I'm going to visit my teacher and ask her to remove the fear, the panic, and the stress that comes when I'm trying to think clearly

I'm looking at the branches blowing
Hummingbird, hummingbird
Humming grabs my hair and pulls me up into the air
through the clouds
flying through the clouds
still aware of my body on the floor
through the clouds
breaking through
still moving up, still going up
aware of my body, also aware of hummingbird carrying me through the clouds
a staircase
flying higher, over more flights of stairs
I'm looking for my teacher
hummingbird sets me down
I'm climbing more stairs
step by step
my teacher there
I bow
Shara, Asherah, I've come to make a request
Shara, Shara remove the panic and stress that keep me from thinking clearly
Help me remain calm and engaged
Take the fear from me, take the voice in my ear away
I'm standing here, making my request
Shara, Shara
We're climbing the stairs
I can see her sandals
I don't know what color her gown is, but it's very long
I can't tell if it's red or white
we're climbing the stairs
we're going into a different building
there's a massage table
Have you brought me here to take away my fear?
I get on the table
Shara walks around the table
Counterclockwise, from my right side to my feet to my left side
She's standing at my head
She's standing at my right side, her hands are above my belly
Remove my fear, remove my panic, remove the stress
Things are rising out of my body toward her hands
and then they disappear as they touch the aura of light around her hands
Lots and lots are coming out
She flings them away from me
Watching things rise out of my belly
I'm also very aware of my body on the floor
My belly
She moves her hands toward my knees
light is pouring into my knees
my shins
my ankles
my feet
Take aware the fear and the stress and the panic
she's on my left side now
focusing on my my feet, my knees, my hips
she's back to my belly
light pouring into by
things are flying out of my belly
her hand is touching my sternum
my chest
my throat
things are coming out of my throat
lots of things are coming out of my throat
her right hand is on the back of my neck
lots of things are coming out of my throat
now she puts her hand on the back of my neck
energy is coming into my skull and my neck
she puts a finger on my forehead
energy from hand right hand to the finger of her left, through my head
electricity, lightning
lightning all inside my head
she puts her finger on top of my skull
lightning, lightning
green and yellow lighting
lightning, lightning
it's coming out my ears
it's crackling around my skull
she tells me I have to come again and do again this many times
she takes her hands away
there's still lightning, yellow and green lightning
she puts her hands on my neck, my shoulders
energy pours through my arms and out my hands, from my palms and fingertips
she puts her hands on either side of my ribcage
lightning, energy
smoother than electricity, like honey
my pelvis, my hips
down my thighs
she comes around and puts her hands on my hips
again she puts her hands over my belly
things are coming out
coming out
she flings the stuff off her hands
she touches my knees and my ankles
i think that's the callback
she holds my toes
she puts her hands together and blesses me
I sit up and ask, Have you removed the fear?
Yes. But come back, we must do this every day 
I know she means: until she says it's gone, until I know it's gone
Thank you
She gestures toward the door
I get off the table and walk out
I look back, she's smiling
Thank you, I say again
I'll see you tomorrow
she nods
I step outside
it's warm, clear
I don't see a sun
Hummingbird comes
Hummingbird grabs me by the hair and carries me over the stairs I'd climbed with Asherah
we're already in the clouds
they're very wet
we're back on the balcony
Thank you, Hummingbird.
I am back

Drumming track

[Recording 5]

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