Friday, April 10, 2020

A Paricularly Lazy Day

This morning, I my new doctor telephoned me. It's great that she's contacting all her patients.

After that, I read a little bit of The Kitchen God's Wife and napped for a long time. Later, watched Solo: A Star Wars Story, and then a video that Maya had sent me showing cats in the Hermitage Museum being cared for during quarantine.

When I fed the stray cats this evening, there were a few more people outside than has been usual lately. Almost everyone was wearing a mask.

I hurried back home to watch a live stream from the Hermitage about pre-Christian archaeological finds. I don't think the docent mentioned where they were from, but looking at the website later, I believe she had been speaking about Scythian burials.

I'd forgotten all about Shabbat! I lit candles late.

I watched no news today.

Tonight, the second day of the Omer begins.  Rabbi Sacks's Omer calendar says this: “Next time you meet someone radically unlike you, try seeing difference not as a threat but as an enlarging, possibility-creating gift.”

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