Saturday, April 18, 2020

Lockdown is the new normal

WhatsApp Call

I was feeling well enough this morning to go drumming across the street, by the hills.

Later, I saw my neighbor, Sophie, returning home. She had been sent home by the police for going bird watching. The bird sanctuary is on the other side of town (about an hour and a half walk), so that makes sense, but I'm pleased to know that no fines or imprisonment were imposed. Israeli cops aren't British bobbies.

I watched a lot of YouTube videos today (politics, culture, philosophy, but mostly politics), went shopping in the afternoon, and sat with Louie the Cat in Canada Gardens. In the evening, I fed the stray kitties and later had a video conference call with Alessandra, Tan, and Arlan from nine o'clock until ten-thirty.

It was wonderful to see everyone and catch up! It felt so good to have the gang back together again. (Tan is in Newcastle and is the only one of us who is working now.)

In the news: Bibi apparently gave a briefing this evening and announced the loosening of some restrictions.

The tenth day of the Counting the Omer begins tonight:

What can be healed is not holy. God does not want us
to accept poverty and pain, but to cure them.

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