Friday, April 24, 2020

Erev Shabbat

I woke up very late and had Israeli salad with tehina for breakfast while watching some of the videos I had found last night.

Then I walked to Canada Gardens. It was overcast and cooler out than had been predicted, 26C/79F. It was pretty windy, so perhaps the sandstorm is just a little late.

At the bakery I bought a couple of desserts for Shabbat. The little grocery store doesn't usually observe the guidelines about how many customers can be in the store, but they did today, perhaps because they're busier on Fridays. I didn't want to wait outside, and since I have grape juice, I didn't go in to get wine.

The school supply store was open, so I went in to give the woman some business. I got some stickers that David's Yiddish school teachers might want to use and an Israeli flag for Memorial Day and Independence Day. The owner of the store was so happy to be open and have customers.

I sat on a bench in the park and meditated for a while.

At home, I prepared for Shabbat and tried unsuccessfully to iron the flag. Then I watched i24 News while drinking a cup of Navajo tea.

I tried to order Rabbi Sacks's latest book. It is not available in the US yet. I can't purchase the UK Kindle version because I bought my Kindle in the US. Most annoying however, is that when the US versions do become available, they will be twice the cost of the UK versions.

Tonight begins sixteen days, which is two weeks and two days of the Omer:

Know your own story, because a story told across the generations is a gift. When you know who you are and why, you can navigate the wilderness of time with courage and confidence.

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