Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 34

I took a hike in the hills today. On my way back, I saw a woman jumping rope at outdoor gym. I was pleased to see it's no longer taped off and used some of the machines.

I spent some time in the park with Louie and then came home and... well, watched more YouTube videos. But I don't feel I wasted as much time as I did yesterday.

When I went out to feed the cats, I saw that flags have been put up for the three holidays: Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron, and Yom HaAtzma'ut.

In the news: we should have a new government later tonight. Gantz and Netenyahu will be sworn in  as PM at the same time, although Bibi will take the office first. There will be a huge cabinet.

There have 174 coronavirus deaths in Israel.

In his speech this evening, Netanyahu mentioned a 92-year-old Holocaust survivor who beat the virus.

Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, began this evening. Coronavirus prevented the usual memorial services. This year, one organization suggested that families light six candles in their homes.

There will be a siren at 10 a.m. I don't know whether I'll hear it in my neighborhood.

It is also the 12th day of the Counting of the Omer (one week and five days):

Judaism allows us to inhabit a culture of grace and hope.
If we work hard enough on ourselves, we can be forgiven.

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