Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Heat wave

Dr. Rachman looked at the records of my visit to Yoseftal during Pesach. He was shocked that they released me; my bloodwork was not good. He prescribed a blood test and an ultrasound, as well as visits to Dr. Gluck and a surgeon! Oy.

Jeff spent an hour on the phone asking Hot to connect my internet and television. They raised the price, so he taught me the word, רמאות (rama’ut), which means fraud and deception.

It was hot today, and it finally got to me! (In the news; Israel's worst heat wave and much controversy about girls wearing shorts to school and not being allowed in.)

Back home, I found that the internet was working, but not the tv. Later in the evening, John discovered that the technician had plugged the cable into the wrong outlet.

We went to the beach at sunset. It was a hazy evening, which made for a nice sunset. The temperature dropped to 34C and the breeze was pleasant. I only waded out and saw purple jelly fish and some gorgeous shells, presumably occupied. I wonder if the March storm damage will ever be repaired.

Ayoub texted our group. The hotel will reopen on the 27th and he'll be calling each of us tomorrow. I hope I'll be working soon! (I have to contact Damien who still has my Passover bonus.)

Tonight begins the 42nd day of the Counting of the Omer:

Don’t wait for the world to get better. Take the initiative yourself. The world is waiting for you.

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