Saturday, May 2, 2020


When I woke up, I was thinking about Kol Emeth. I miss being a participating member of an observant, egalitarian shul.

An hour of exercise, housekeeping, texting with Yossi in Columbia, news, a chapter of The PTSD Workbook, feeding cats, and havdallah.

His siddur and a virtual minyan have been keeping Yossi sane. He and I are going to re-read Dune together. Just this evening, he learned that he can catch tomorrow's emergency flight out of Bogata. He'll meet his father in Florida and they will self quarantine together. A colleague of his will take care of his kitten.

Boudica's left eye has swollen shut, her nose is still scabbed over, and the wounds all over her face are not healing. She is moving better than she used to, and doesn't have as much trouble finding the food, but I really think she needs a vet. I wonder if Gray Tom is very old. Neither his ear nor his pompoms have been snipped. 

Both of them let me come very close to give them food and they don't mind that I sit near them or get up to give the other cats dry food, but they won't let me pet them.

The big, white, healthy cat that I call Levannah's Cousin is very polite. She eats the dry and only thinks about stealing the wet food from the two sick kitties.

Today is twenty-four days, which is three weeks and three days of the Omer.

The more you celebrate the good, the more good you discover that is worthy of celebration.

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