Thursday, May 7, 2020

We're still not allowed in the water

Israel is finally demanding our human rights. Why doesn't the UN or Amnesty step in to get kidnapping victims released and returned home? Why don't they insist that Hamas return the bodies dead soldiers, so their families can hold funerals?

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett authorized the expansion of the town of Efrat in Judea by 271 acres to make room for 20,000 new homes. That Green Line could have become a border sometime in the last fifty-three years; that was our original intention. If only we had a "partner in the peace process."

I missed my call with Kelly-Ann! I misread the clock and was just getting out of the shower a little after three o'clock. When I turned Skype on "early," I found her worried messages.

Once again, Boudica and Gray Tom were not around this evening. And the other cats were acting strangely, not coming out from under cars when they first saw me.

I've been wondering for a while whether Trump is treating Pence differently (better) than earlier presidents have treated their vice presidents. He gives him responsibility and seems to work with him. Is Trump trying to ensure that Pence follows him in office? (Or is Pence the one who has been nurturing that relationship?)

Today is twenty-nine days, which is five weeks and one day of the Omer:

In life, ask not, ‘what can I gain?’ but ‘what can I give?’
Be a blessing to others and you will find that life has been a blessing to you.

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