Friday, May 22, 2020

It's a holiday back in the States

An early morning walk, a trip to the bakery, some Hebrew study, and then John picked me up for a morning at the beach.

There were lots of purple jelly-fish in the water. I saw one that was in danger of being washed onto the shore. I kept filling a cup with water to get it back into deeper water. A woman spoke to me later and explained that it's safe to touch these jellies (meduzah/meduzot). These don't sting as do the white ones in Tel Aviv. They are a rare visitor to Eilat.

Ethan and Ana joined us, and got to listen to a long conversation in Hebrew between Ethan and the Israeli couple.

Later, I swam out further and on the way back stopped amidst groups of meduzot. John had brought a speaker, so we listened to American music. Ethan had brought beer, so we toasted the US Memorial Day weekend. A man, originally from Wisconsin, and his children and grandchildren set up a camp site next to us. They live on a Kibbutz in the Arava. John shmoozed with the man while Ethan and I saw some more and Ana sat in the waves.

Still no word about work resuming.

Tonight begins the forty-fourth day of the Omer:

To lead is to serve. The greater your success, the harder you have to 
work to remember that you are there to serve others; they are not there to serve you.

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